Bulky waste?
Use the bulky waste (Sperrmüll) removal service
Every Heidelberg household is entitled to two free collections of bulky waste (‘Sperrmüll’) each year. Collection of bulky waste takes place at regular intervals, but households must register to indicate in which collection(s) they would like their bulky waste included. This is very easy to do…
- ... by completing the bulky waste registration form
- ... by filling in the registration form available from the local administrative offices (Bürgerämter).
Up to three cubic meters of bulky waste can be collected per household on a given collection day. Quantities in excess of this amount will not be collected and must be cleared away again, or you must request a new collection, for which a fee will be charged. Talk to us beforehand if it seems likely that your bulky waste will exceed the 3 cubic-meter limit.