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Don't hesitate to contact us:

Office of Social Welfare and Senior Citizens
Amt für Soziales und Senioren
Bergheimer Straße 155
69115 Heidelberg
Phone + 49 6221 58-37000 / -37010

Language course for refugees (Photo: Rothe)

Integration in local neighbourhoods

Local initiatives

There are many voluntary neighbourhood initiatives in Heidelberg that help with the integration of refugees, in close collaboration with the city council. Anyone who wants to support these initiatives with their integration work is warmly encouraged to get in touch.

Short description Contact
Altstadt sagt Ja! 
A project by the Council for Foreigners and Migrants (Ausländerrat/Migrationsrat) and others to link up interested residents, refugees and projects that deal with refugee issues. Catherine Mechler-Dupouey,
Email: c.mechler-dupouey@web.de
“Auf gute Nachbarschaft! – Geflüchtete in Bergheim willkommen heißen” – a neighborhood project for welcoming refugees
"Handschuhsheim hilft"
The “Handschuhsheim hilft” working group coordinates community projects and campaigns that promote peaceful, rewarding, safe community relations between the local Handschuhsheim residents and the refugees and asylum-seekers housed in our neighborhood, including in particular the promotion of integration. The working group helps implement these projects. Find out more:
Email: handschuhsheim-hilft@t-online.de
Telephone: +49 (0)6221 6560238
Kirchheim sagt Ja!
A project by the Kirchheim neighborhood association and the Council for Foreigners and Migrants (Ausländerrat/Migrationsrat) to link up interested residents, refugees and projects dealing with refugee issues.

Project meetings are usually held once a month and there are also working groups that focus on communication issues and develop solutions. 
“Arbeitsgruppe Asyl – Rohrbach sagt Ja” - asylum working group
  Email: asyl-in-rohrbach@web.de
"Weststadt sagt Ja!"
Project and working groups

Coordination team (KooK) to coordinate all activities relating to the reception of refugees and their integration in the Weststadt district.
Heidi Flassak
Martin Döpp
Email: info@weststadtsagtja.de
Find out more
Arbeitskreis Flüchtlingspartner Ziegelhausen
The task force is planning various activities to help with the integration of refugees, including a language café and a training workshop where people can practice the skills required for manual trades. Depending on requirements, there are plans to add activities like language courses and assistance with visits to government offices and doctors’ surgeries. In addition, we want to offer events for local residents to help increase their understanding of the refugees’ cultural background. We will start implementing the planned activities as soon as refugees move into the hostel in Ziegelhausen.
The project is run by Evangelische Versöhnungsgemeinde Ziegelhausen, a local Protestant organization. Everyone is invited to take part, regardless of their church or religious background.
The task force has around 80 members and people interested in helping out (correct April 2016). Please contact us if you think you can get involved in any aspect of our work.
Marcus Gudera
Email: marcus-karin.gudera@arcor.de
Telephone: +49 (0)6221 3899738
For all districts
Officer for “sport and refugees”
Sportkreis Heidelberg e.V. has an officer for sport and refugees. He is available for questions and suggestions. Ramachandra Aithal, 
Email: aithal@sportkreis-heidelberg.de
Telephone: +49 (0)172 6308025

Further information

More opportunities for getting involved